
The Melbourne is a great example of how the natural and the contemporary can work together. Featuring elegant illustrations of this Australian native plant, the detail on each of the eucalyptus leaves is beautifully textured once pressed, and the overall effect is one of sophisticated balance.

Melbourne Collection Price List:

If you would like to purchase extras or request additional design changes, please email


4cm Vellum or coloured paper belly band - £1each
Belly band addressing - £1.20 each
Vellum wrap - £1.50 each
Pocketfold Envelopes - £2.00 each
Digital envelope addressing - £2.50 each
Calligraphy addressed envelopes - £4.50 each
Return addressing/envelope monogram - £1.20 each
Envelope wax seals - £1.20 each
Suite assembly - £1.20 per invite

Additional design charges

Each of the above prices include text changes and minor layout amends. For any additional alterations, the following design fees apply:

Bespoke ink colour – £40.00
Font changes – £20.00
Semi-Custom design (alterations to the design/addition of custom illustrations etc) – from £100